Domain Related:-

Domain Details

  • If client requested for domain details.
  • Forward the same request to Domain team(
  • After confirmation from domain team, Inform the same to client.
  • Close the Concern.

Domain Expiry

For External Domain

  • Educate client to co-ordinate with the vender for renewal.

For Internal Domain:

  • If request raised within 15 days of domain expiry
  • Request client for the domain renew amount to extend the service.
  • If request raised after 15 days of domain expiry.
  • First we check with help of domain team( if domain is available with us or not?
  • If Yes, Then ask client to pay full payment to book the same domain.
  • If No, We can not provide the same domain and service will be stopped.
  • Inform the same to client.
  • Close the concern.

Domain Not Working

  • If domain has been expired then follow the domain expiry guidelines.
  • If there is any technical issue then forward it to ( and (
  • After resolution from NAS and Domain team.
  • Inform the same to client.
  • Close the concern.

If Service running on external domain and expired.

  • Request client to renew his domain with his vendor.
  • If Client is not renewing, Company will be Tempblock.
  • After 15 days case will be download.

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