How many IMA credits will be allocated to client in weekly cycle?

The IMA credits will be allocated according to the current custtype.

New IMA Allocation / Lapse Grid
Weekly Allocation (Lapsable) Defaulter (PNS/Email/Enquiry)(Lapsable) New Hosting Bonus (One Time) (Non Lapsable)
MDC 5 Leads / Weak 2 Leads / Weak 10 Leads
TS Catalog 10 Leads / Weak 5 Leads / Weak 10 Leads
Maximiser 15 Leads / Weak 5 Leads / Weak 10 Leads
CWS/Static Website 15 Leads / Weak 5 Leads / Weak 10 Leads
SS 20 Leads / Weak 5 Leads / Weak 10 Leads
LS 25 Leads / Weak 5 Leads / Weak 10 Leads
ILP/FPL/CPL 30 Leads / Weak 5 Leads / Weak 10 Leads

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